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Hy Equestrian Market Harborough

£32.99 (tax included) £0.00
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Inventory quantity : 10

The Hy Equestrian Market Harborough is sometimes called a German martingale. It is a training aid that helps to encourage a softer outline and prevent a horse from raising his head too far. It is useful for helping to improve the top line muscles. It is recommended that this equipment is used as part of a comprehensive training programme under the advice of an expert to ensure that no harm or discomfort is caused to your horse. For more information regarding training aids, take a look at our blog Training Aids for your Horse.


equus bullet Good quality leather work. 

equus bullet 3 D rings on the rein.

equus bullet Buckle fastening and trigger clip attachments.

equus bullet Recommended for ridden flat work.

equus bullet Available in Black or Brown.

Size Guide

Available in one size - Cob/Full.