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Hilton Herbs Agnus Castus

£12.97 GBP (tax included) £0.00 GBP
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Hilton Herbs Agnus Castus is also known as monks pepper or chaste tree. This supplement helps maintain a balanced hormonal system in both male and female horses. It offers great endocrine support and contains only pure vitex agnus castus seeds.

Feeding Guidelines

Add to feed on a daily basis, if possible splitting the required amount between two feeds.

Horses: 10 to 15 grams daily (one 15ml scoop = approx 5 grams). There is no need to grind this seed up before use.

Allow up to one month for benefits to be seen.

What's in it

Vitex Agnus Castus seed (also called Monks Pepper seed or Chaste Tree Berry seed).

Size Guide

Available in 600g or 2kg.