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Brinicombe Foot Perfect Hoof Spray

£16.50 GBP (tax included) £0.00 GBP
Only 5 left
Inventory quantity : 5

Anti-bacterial spray that protects the hoof from common complaints

This natural spray from Brinicombe is designed for the maintenance of hoof well-being. The easy to use spray bottle and the liquid formulation allow the active ingredients to penetrate all cracks and crevices for optimum results.


equus bullet Natural, antibacterial spray

equus bullet Used and endorsed by farriers

equus bullet Recommended for a wide range of hoof complaints, e.g. thrush, crumbling hooves

equus bullet Cleanses hoof and sole

equus bullet Can be used to cleanse and protect exposed tissues after invasive farriery work.

Size Guide

Available in a 300ml spray container.